Additional ISO Certifications We Offer in Chula Vista, California (CA)

A validated company in the field of ISOs always needs to do its best to provide several options to implement and help companies with their standards. Otherwise, businesses and organizations that require them will struggle in finding someone that is either dedicated to their industries or have a wide variety of standards that can implement. In our company ISO Pros, we worry about being able to cover a wide range of normative from several industries and not only a few ones.
This is why people and companies in Chula Vista and all over California decide to go for our services and the option to implement them: because they can do it in several standards if needed. We have ISO standards from aerospace companies to medical and healthcare ones. We know how important is to implement every standard even when it isn’t mandatory but rather necessary for the growth of your business.
Therefore, count on us when you want to invest a lot of time in them and want to obtain all the benefits. You can rely on us if you need a hand with the entire process or only some assistance with it. If you are worried about not being able to find the standards you need to t, we have a list of over a dozen of them for you to choose the one you need—or all of them if applies.
The main ISO standards most companies request from us are those related to quality management systems, such as AS9100 that is for the aerospace industry, and ISO 9001, which applies for all companies. The first one is completely directed to the aerospace industry to establish and maintain a QMS that is proper and perfect for the company and, in this way, guarantee high-quality products and services.
However, ISO 9001 is a general normative that has all the requirements and regulations to handle and improve the quality aspect of any company, and it is a formal regulation as well. Aerospace companies usually implement AS9101 and AS9102 for two different reasons:
- The first one corresponds to all the guidelines about how auditing processes need to be conducted in a company of this industry.
- While the other one aims for the First Article Inspection during the production of parts and components.
What standards could you be interested in?
Most ISOs are aiming for specific industries and companies, but many of them are not only mandatory but also implemented in all businesses, which is why you might find more than a few necessary for your company:
– Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI): it addresses the problems and issues of different areas of the company through 5 levels where improvement is the main goal.
– ISO 55001: it focuses on the lifecycle of assets and being able to control and managing it will be a crucial part of your business’s present and future, which is why this standard is so relevant.
– ISO 50001 and SEP: aim for the Energy Management System of any company to make it more efficient in this aspect and ensure every requirement is met alongside SEP as an additional part.
– Anti-Bribery ISO 37001: it sets out all standards and parameters to establish policies, rules, and a proper anti-bribery system to avoid any issues and problems in this matter.
– ISO 14001: only focused on one thing, protecting the environment. Most companies do not implement it since it is optional, but doing the right thing in taking care of the ecosystem is always welcome.
– Ethical Sourcing SQFI: providing documentation and proofs about certain areas is also important. This is the case when it comes to proving you are committed and worried about your employees’ health in every aspect and what this standard provides.
– ISO 41001: if the company has very specific needs in its Facility Management System, we suggest you review this one and implement it to improve this area of your company.
– ISO/IEC 27001: helps to set every security measure to guarantee the protection of all the information in the company—personal and from its clients.
– ISO/IEC 20000-1: it has every requirement when it comes to a service management system that can be implemented in any company when needed or required.
– ISO 45001: every measure, rule, and method to guarantee the safety and health of the workers and employees are established in this standard to ensure every company is able to provide a safe working area and place.
– RC14001: RC stands for Responsible Care and is implemented in all companies to guarantee three things, the improvement of the environmental, health, and safety performance.
– ISO 28000: required for companies involved in the supply chain so they can guarantee quality and security in it and prevent any issues.
– ISO 19011: this ISO is only for Audit Management System since it sets every standard and requirement for conducting an audit program correctly regardless of the industry or company where it is being conducted.
What are the most extensive ISO families?
This is very important to know since many standards come from the main ISO. In our case, we like to work with the most common ones with this characteristic, which includes every standard for audit processes, such as:
– Virtual Internal Audits: allows companies and auditors to provide remote audit programs with the right measures and protocols.
– Outsourced Internal Auditing: for those in charge of conducting internal audits for other companies and businesses.
– Second Party Audits: conducted in suppliers you ensure they are able to meet the client’s requirements with the product or service.
And many others like Compliance Audits to determine if the company meets all the regulations for its industry—nationals, and internationals; and Pre-assessment Audits to determine if the company needs to make changes and take corrective actions for non-conformities before the final audit. Of course, our company is also familiar with Supplier Audits and Supplier Evaluations which are very similar. But the first one is only to access the QMS of the supplier while the evaluation is more to find and approve potential suppliers.
The final ISO we have available and can implement for you is the Desk Audit or Documentation Audit, which sets out the requirements to review the documents from a previous audit. The rest of the standards available are quite focused on specific industries, such as the food one with Gluten-Free Certification and ISO 22000. GFC is exactly for what its name says: implement it and getting certified to be able to produce and distribute products that are for celiac people or with similar problems.
While ISO 22000 looks after the entire Food Safety System of the company. Other standards are very similar to ISO 9001 due to their main goal: improve and maintain a Quality Management System. But most of them are for specific industries, like IATF 16949, which is for automotive companies, and ISO 13485 that is for medical devices and guarantee not only quality but functionality.
In the automotive industry, Core Tools are also relevant and considered to be essential in any business. All of them have different goals and focus on a specific area of the Automotive industry we are sure will be more than necessary for you.
What other standards can you access with us?
ITAR and BA 9000 are standards that are starting to be quite requested in California due to the increase in exports and manufacturing Body Armor for Federals and other forces. BA 9000 sets the requirements and parameters for the equipment to be fabricated and reliable, which guarantees quality and safety. While ITAR has all the parameters to regulate any military-related technology during exports.
If you are interested in another standard, we still have TL 9000 for the telecom industry. ISO 17025 for labs to get accredited and recognized as competent. And ISO 15378, which has all the guidelines to start from zero the entire process of packaging medical products and guarantee their proper delivery. All of them are available in our company, ISO Pros, and if you are in Chula Vista or any other city in California, you only need to call us or send a message using our contact form to request one or more.